Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summary of Week 1

I learned a lot more than I expected the first week of class.

I think that technology is absolutley fascinating and that when students are given opportunities to search information and solve problems that their learning value significantly increases! I think that students should always be given the opportunity to use advances in technology to their advantage.

Also, this week I learned so much about searching on the internet and finding out what is correct and valid information and what is not. I was happy to learn about the extensions on domain names. I am embarassed to say that I did not know that .com was used for companies. I just thought it was a generic extension for most websites not dealing with the government or institutions.

Can't wait to see what week two has in store for us!



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Technology Integration in the Classroom

I believe that technology is so vital in the success of today's students. By learning all that they can now about technology, they will be better able to succeed in the future. I think that by using all types of technology (from internet, to texting, to using wikis, to blogging and the list goes on), students become more well rounded and able to keep up with the ever changing world of technology. Technology is definately here to stay!

I remember using the computer for the first time when I was in the first grade (in 1989). We used to play Oregon Trail and I thought it was the greatest thing. Oregon Trail is now a thing of the past, but I still remember the impact technology made on me!